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Four things you should do right before posting another video on social media

Four Things You Should Do Right Before Posting Another Video On Social Media

Social media is an excellent way to connect with your audience. However, if you’re not careful, it can also alienate the very people you are trying to reach out to. A lot of coaches have been using social media for a while now and they might be tempted to think that they know everything there is about it. But even seasoned professionals should always consider ways in which their content can improve. If you’ve just started using YouTube or Twitter, then this blog post will help you get more engagement on these platforms.

1. Make sure you have a good story to tell

A good story is like a piece of art. It’s the result of careful planning and design, but it also has to have a soul. You can’t just rush into it without forethought, because you need to know your purpose for telling it in the first place. A story told with passion will always resonate with people more than one that was told simply as an obligation or out of habit. Make sure you’re prepared when you start writing your next story.

It doesn’t matter whether it be in person or on social media, but your stories will be what’s ultimately going to keep people coming back for more. So take some time and think about what the company does, who your customers are, and where you came from. You don’t need to know all these details beforehand; just try thinking about them now so that when it comes time for you to tell your story online, you’re prepared!

2. Be creative and original with your content

Being creative and original with your content is important for creativity and memorability. However, not everyone has the necessary time or resources to be fully original. Use these tips when you’re feeling at a loss:

  • Explore new subjects that are outside of your expertise but still in your area of interest to increase the variety of topics.
  • Find other authors who have a similar voice as you do so they can provide inspiration for content ideas while helping keep a consistent tone. Their style may also mesh well with yours if you find it hard to come up with sentence starters on your own! (Example: I loved reading this article by _____)
  • Try free writing for 10 minutes – write down anything that comes into the mind without paying attention to grammar mistakes or word choice too much, just let whatever flows outpour onto the page!

3. Make it short and sweet- no one wants to watch a 10-minute video on their phone

I know right? It’s so annoying to have to watch a 10-minute video on your phone when all you want is the answer. I don’t know about you, but it seems like all of my friends are always looking up something on their phones these days. So that means we’re not getting any work or anything done! Make it short and sweet – no one wants to watch a 10-minute video on their phone. You get the idea.

4. Be interactive by asking questions or giving people the opportunity for feedback

The power of YouTube has been proven time and again. From amateurs to pros, everyone can find a way to make their voice heard on the platform. So why not use this to your advantage? One way is by being interactive with people who view your videos. Ask questions or give them the opportunity for feedback – it’ll help you learn more about what they want out of life!

To sum up...

To be honest, I’ve been guilty of posting videos on social media without doing any planning beforehand. It’s not always the best idea to do that because you never know how your video will turn out and sometimes it can make you look bad. So before posting another video on social media, try to take some time for yourself and plan what you want to say in your video. That way, when it comes time for you to post a video, all the work has already been done!

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